Tuesday, April 12, 2011

East Virginia - Witches And Whippoorwills

Hellen,Lonesome Whip-poor-will
Legend Of Grace Sherwood,I Just Think I'll Go Away
Lorrena,Long Lost Love Affair,Temptaions Pathway
Fighting The Frets,Everlasting Arms,Faded Love


  1. Hi, I'm continuing to enjoy the blog. I would really like to see more information or some sort of review of the LPs with these posts. Keep them coming.

    Thank you

  2. Bluegrass Unlimited magazine did reviews on some artist but not all and you would have to have an old subscription to see the reviews since these records are so old. You can at least read the covers by looking at the back cover scans, they are full size and can be enlarged with your computer.
